Mensagens populares-mest lest


Parabéns para todas as mulheres... Congratulation to all women in the world

"This might seem like an odd choice to start a list of songs that are feminist considering it’s title Stupid Girls. However the song is not a bashing of young women, it’s a criticism of the extreme gender-socialisation that some women are trapped by. The song and it’s video deplores celebrities like Jessica Simpson and Paris Hilton for being real life stereotypes who conform to views of women as barbie-dolls, unintelligent, materialistic and devoid of ambition or goals. Although many people, myself included, are fans of women like this in the limelight – it is undeniable that in mainstream media, especially magazines, websites and TV Programmes that women are promoted for their looks, and not for what they have to offer society." from the blogg OCD Tetris

à procura das cancões mais feministas encontrei a música e o texto anterior. E fiquei feliz porque a P!nk é e continua a ser uma das minhas artistas preferidas

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