Mensagens populares-mest lest


Amamentar em publico... Breast feeding in public

According to The Daily Mail:

“More than a hundred mothers of all ages - some accompanied by their partners - descended on the Trafford Centre in Manchester to feed their babies in front of stunned shoppers to promote the start of NHS-backed National Breastfeeding Awareness Week.”

Despite the Mail’s attempts to make the event seem salacious, crowd responses were calm and positive, with one onlooker commenting, “It’s not every day you see that many breasts while out doing your shopping. I suppose it’s a good way of getting people to listen to the message. I fully support them.”

Even the mall management was onboard: “We’re a family friendly centre, which means we’re fully supportive of mums who make the decision to breastfeed,” Gordon McKinnon, Director of Operations at The Trafford Centre, is quoted as saying. “If they require a comfortable, private space in which to feed their child we have four sets of dedicated facilities including our new Laura Ashley-designed breastfeeding suite, but we consider most public spaces appropriate and our retailers are equally understanding.”
So, while flashmobs may be getting a little old, it’s nice to see a nurse-in being treated as a welcomed event rather than a radical protest.
Times, like babies’ diapers after a milk meal, are a-changing.

Taken from Osocio:
osocio: breastfeeding

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